Friday, October 23, 2009

Small Mercies

They say accidents always happen when the dad's in charge. Today Rex played in his first rugby match and got kicked in the head only once. "Tis only a scratch, son," I told him when the side of his face swole up. "We'll pack it with ice before we go home and your mother kicks up a fuss."
My mate's son was not so lucky. While Stan was in charge at home the cub fell backwards through a plate glass door and cut himself to ribbons. The blood was pumping out of him. Stan thought he was going to bleed to death. He wrapped him in a blanket and raced with him to the hospital.
He's alive, thanks God, but has 300 stitches.
I can't even start to imagine what Stan's wife said to him. If she's speaking at all.

1 comment:

  1. And that is why Emmy checks the children for all their fingers and toes before leaving them in my care!
