Monday, February 1, 2010


My eldest daughter tells me she's being bullied at school. At break time she hides in a locked toilet cubicle reading a book and eating her snack because if she goes out a bully is calling her unkind names. Of course she will not tell me who the bully is.
I have great experience of bullying for I was bullied at my Catholic Boys School, by a bunch of gents who now reside 'for the rest of their natural lives' behind the walls of Waltham prison.
I have advised my sweet little daughter to punch fast and hard into the bully's face, and to scream like banshee while she's doing it. I've told her to attract as much attention as possible and to keep punching and screeching until a teacher intervenes.
And when my princess and I are summoned into the school we will back her up 100%
"But she's bigger than me."
I told her: It's not the size the weapon which counts, but the ferocity of the attack.

1 comment:

  1. Funnily enough, you're right. My husband wasn't bullied at his Catholic school, even though his dad was a police officer, because even the psychos knew he'd fight back, and hard. Boys at his school used to fight with each other until one of them passed out. Nice. The thing is, Maud is so sweet and kind I don't think she'd be able to hurt another person, even a bully. Maybe she could say mean things about the bully instead? They won't like that. Good luck, Maud.
