Building 191 - Room 13 - you have got to be kidding me!
It was hot and humid and I was taken along to a functional clean room in a prefabricated block.
After the door was closed and the very helpful house keeper left(labourer in a blue boiler suit) my eyes where attracted to the welcome sign, the can of Pif Paf and the air freshener!
After leaving off my bag thinking O.M.G. I am going to be eaten alive. I was then taken to see the camp boss and given my food vouchers and shown the restaurant where I could eat!
On the camp they have restaurants for Labourers & Craftsmen - split into nationalities (Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines); Engineers - split into nationalities; Senior Managers - split into nationalities (including European & Lebanese); then executives.
The Cadre Executive Restaurant is three bolted together portacabins with no Windows. Tables and chairs and a serving counter. The tables have table cloths, place mats and coasters all covered in heavy duty clear plastic sheeting - easy cleaning or messy eaters?
Walking back from the restaurant I was given to think "was this what prison was like?" - rows of accommodation blocks sitting behind high walls and men wandering about with nothing to do - O.M.G. do they put something in the food to keep their libido down! If so what have I just eaten!!!
You poor man - what have you done to deserve this?